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San Marcos Pop Warner

San Marcos Pop Warner


Refund Policy

Date Player DropsRefund amount
Prior to in-person registrationFull refund less $25 processing fee
After in-person registration and prior to being assigned to a roster (i.e. prior to the player draft - approx. June 1st.) Full refund less $125 processing and league set-up fee
After being assigned to a roster but before August 1st Full refund less $175 equipment and processing fee
After August 1st until final roster certification (usually occurs late August) Full refund less $250 equipment and processing fee
After final roster certification No refund

  1. Boundaries and Eligibility Policy

    The goal of this policy is to give priority to local kids that want to participate in San Marcos Pop Warner. Players outside our boundaries have the option to play in their local league and are encouraged to pursue that venue first.

    1.     SMPW is a league open to eligible kids that live within the San Marcos School District boundaries only.

    2.     Football players and cheerleaders outside of these boundaries are welcome to register but will not be drafted onto a team until all local players are placed on teams.

    3.     The only exception is grandfathered players (e.g. returning players outside our boundaries on a SMPW certified roster from the previous year).

    Equipment Policy

    SMPW Equipment can only be used during sanctioned Pop Warner events. Football camps, private lessons and parties (to name a few) are not sanctioned events and are not covered under the Pop Warner insurance policy. We will not, and cannot, supply any equipment for football camps, private lessons, parties or any other non-sanctioned Pop Warner event. Any individuals who use SMPW equipment in such fashion shall be held 100% liable for any and all injuries and damages. FAILURE TO RETURN EQUIPMENT and/or UNIFORMS WILL RESULT IN A $275 CHARGE and/or PROHIBITION FROM REGISTRATION FOR A SUBSEQUENT SEASON. 
    Registration Paperwork Deadline Policy

    The final deadline to receive ALL paperwork football is TWO WEEKS prior to the first day of practice (approximately July 15th). Please note that any paperwork received after this deadlne will not be processed until the second week of practice. Refer to the Registration Checklist for a list of required paperwork. FAILURE TO TIMELY TURN IN ALL REQUIRED PAPERWORK WILL RESULT IN YOUR PLAYER BEING DROPPED FROM THE TEAM ROSTER.  The first wait-listed player (with completed paperwork) will be added to the roster. If no wait list exists then they can rejoin the team in the second week of practice, assuming all paperwork is received. Parents should contact the team coach to ensure their paperwork has been collected. Updated check lists will be sent to coaches regularly before the first practice.

    The final deadline to receive ALL cheer paperwork is June 30th. If we do not have all paperwork, you will be contacted and then have 48 hours to turn it in. If it is not received, the cheerleader will not be added to the roster until it's received.


    Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc. (PWLS) is the only national youth sports organization in America that requires its participants to perform adequately in the classroom before permitting them to play. They believe that these standards give children a sense of responsibility and an appreciation for academics and athletics that will help them develop later on in life.

    Proof of satisfactory progress in school is required. A 2.0/70% or the equivalent shall be the minimum grade point average acceptable to participate. In cases of doubt or conflict of opinion, a written statement by the school administration shall be deemed final.

    Grievance Policy

    Any interested party, who wishes to address a concern or file a grievance with the Board of Directors, must do so in writing within 10 days of the issue. The complaint should be mailed to:

    SMPW - Attn: Grievance
    P. O. Box 1654
    San Marcos, CA 92079


San Marcos Pop Warner
PO Box 1654 
San Marcos, California 92079

Phone: 760-410-6455
Email: [email protected]

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